Specialist Disability Accommodation & SIL Providers Northern Territory

Fully Accessible Specialist Disability Accommodation in Northern Territory that meets all of your needs

Cocoon SDA Care is an accredited provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), committed to delivering fully accessible specialist disability homes tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals in Northern Territory. Our expertise lies in designing and constructing customised homes explicitly catering to those with severe functional impairments and extensive support requirements resulting from their disabilities. Our unwavering objective is to provide comprehensive support to every resident in our homes, empowering them to develop their abilities, skills, and capacity and confidently and meaningfully participate in their local communities. Whether it’s promoting independence or ensuring security, we strive to create an environment that fosters personal growth and enhances the quality of life for individuals in Northern Territory.

Currently Available NDIS Homes in NT

We have several NDIS accommodation options currently available. Please have a look at our NDIS Homes in Northern Territory and contact our friendly team if you require any additional information. We’d be happy to help you.