Key Pillars of Cocoon
At Cocoon SDA Care, we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to live a fulfilling life
We aim to provide exceptional care to our participants and staff.
We have zero tolerance for bullying and harassment and encourage strict health and cleanliness processes to ensure well-being.
Fun, Sports & Physical Activity
We create a fun and enjoyable environment with opportunities to participate in activities and sports.
We provide extensive training and develop systems that increase collaboration, transparency, and accountability across our organisation.
Improving Liveability
We actively encourage participants to learn new skills and develop these skills through engaging in interests and activities that nurture personal growth.
Turning Complaints into compliments
We understand the importance of continual improvement and ensure participants feel heard, recognised, and valued.
Filling Loneliness
We understand that people with disability can too often feel isolated and lonely, so we work hard to ensure participants feel important, cared for and prioritised. For example, we support personalised, exciting activities to the movies or local zoos.